Redeem vouchers

You have received a voucher for a Forging Course ...

Below you will find brief instructions on how you can easily redeem your voucher:

Important: There is a "gift card code" on your voucher which consists of four blocks of four characters each - for example: "AB43-5CDE-67FG-HI7J".

The code must be entered exactly as written, including the hyphens. If you have received the voucher as a PDF, it is best to copy the code directly from the PDF (copy & paste) to avoid input errors.

Note: I recently switched to a new booking/voucher systemas part of the website update. I have tried to transfer all existing vouchers - but it is possible that something was not transferred.

On the page for booking page Forging Courses - please click on "Enter code" and enter your voucher code...
If this does not work, please fill in the form below - or contact me directly.

For problems with voucher redemptions: